Free Film and Post-Show Reception
“A Principled Man: Rev. Leon Sullivan” Friday, Feb. 10, 2012 – 7 pm – Culture Center Theater WV State Capitol – Open to the Public
MotionMasters CEO to introduce film and conduct Q&A after
As part of Black History Month, the MotionMasters documentary, “A Principled Man: Rev. Leon Sullivan,” (which aired nationally on PBS in January, 2001) will be shown at the Culture Center Theatre at the West Virginia State Capitol on Friday, Feb. 10, 2012, at 7 p.m. The film and the post-show dessert reception are both free and open to the public.
Diana Sole Walko, CEO of MotionMasters, served as executive producer for the film and became a close friend of the film’s subject. On Friday, Feb 10, Walko will introduce the film and after the showing, conduct a Q & A. Her five trips to Africa to work with Rev. Sullivan and his foundation will provide keen insight into the man, his work, and his journey in developing the Global Sullivan Principles—a code of conduct for human rights and equal opportunity.
“This film will explain why “Leon Sullivan Way” is not merely a major traffic artery in Charleston, West Virginia,” said Sole Walko. It will introduce a new generation to a charismatic and influential pioneer in the fight against injustice and economic oppression,” she said. “I highly recommend it for both children and adults.”
The event is hosted by the West Virginia Division of Culture and History.
For more information, visit or
For a full roster of Black History Month events at the State Capitol, visit
Rev. Sullivan’s notable book, “Moving Mountains: The Principles and Purposes of Leon Sullivan” is available at