Video Production and Design
Our video production may vary in length, content, style and application, but they all tell a story. That's our passion. Telling great stories. Your stories.

What We Do
We’ve been a leader in video production for more than three decades. Since the days of our two-room, one-phone office, we’ve expanded into a regional, national and international production resource. Our work has taken us across North America and into Asia and Africa. We can be packed and on the road (or in the air) to your production site in record time—no matter where you’re located.
We've got the gear.
More importantly, we've got the talent.
Whatever you visualize, we can create.
Ever watched a TV spot and marveled at the jazzy effects, witty dialogue or unpredictable situation in it—and then couldn’t recall who it was for or what the spot was advertising? That won’t happen here. The commercials we’ll create for you may have snazzy technique, tight dialogue and surprising situations, but we promise you, whether it’s a 30-second spot or a 5-minute infomercial, it’ll be a story from start to finish, and it’ll be one that resonates with—and is recalled by—your target audience.
Our storytellers have been telling tales in commercials for decades and for all types of clients: financial, health care, recreation, tourism and more. We know that the best spots are stories that engage the viewer or the listener on a level that’s deeper than just who you are and what you’re offering. We'll help you tell your story-one that will evoke emotion and create a need for your product or service. Traditional, modern, or designed to position or sell, we’ll make sure your story—your commercial—is unique to you and perfectly suited for the medium you’re using and the audience you’re trying to reach.

Long Form Video
You want your audience interested in what you’re telling them and showing them, no matter what the subject matter is. That’s where we can help. We specialize in transforming routine information into stories that will persuade, train, inform, sell and captivate. Think your next company retreat can’t happen without charts and graphs? Read what Frank Luntz, leading communications professional and author of “Words That Work: It’s Not What You Say, It’s What People Hear” says about the mistakes some companies make.
“So often corporate America—business America—are the worst communicators, because they understand the facts, and they cannot tell a story. They know how to explain their quarterly results, but they don’t know how to explain what they mean.”
Even before man had language, we had picture stories. Before writing, we had tales handed from one generation to the next. Stories work, whether it’s one-on-one with an interactive DVD or a video shown to a standing-room-only crowd. Safety training, new processes, motivation, fundraising, educational or inspirational—name your audience and what you need for them to learn, experience or gain from your story and we’ll help you tell it.
The textbook definition of a documentary is a movie that documents reality. In a documentary, there usually are no actors, just real people (unless a historical reenactment is needed). There’s no manipulation of the facts, but the thing that keeps a documentary from falling into the category of the quasi-dull film strips kids used to watch in schools way back when is the presentation of those facts in an exciting and visually interesting format. A documentary is the ultimate story to our way of thinking.
We’re proud of the work that we’ve done in this genre. When we roll out one of our productions for its premiere, we invite clients and civic leaders, give media interviews and host a reception. Sometimes our CEO, Diana Sole, is invited to present one of our docs, as she did for the Huntington Museum of Art’s Black History Month showing of “A Principled Man: Rev. Leon Sullivan,” the MotionMasters documentary that aired nationally on PBS.
Documentaries take time: time to develop the information, find the interviews and gather the funding, but the finished product is satisfying—and it’s a medium that showcases our talents, too.

Non Profits
Have you had your YouTube today? On average, everyone on the Internet is watching one online video per day. Are they watching yours? According to Comscore and Nielsen, people view nearly 7 billion online videos each month. Worldwide, it’s 1.2 billion per day.
Sure, some of these videos are pets in party hats, but many are vital sales tools for companies both large and small. Online video is no longer a luxury item in your marketing budget, it’s a necessity and we’re the multimedia production company to help you produce yours. After all, MotionMasters has been uploading videos online since it was a novelty! And as technology has advanced, so have we.
We’ll turn on your VSEO (Video Search Engine Optimization). We know how to use video search engine optimization to drive more traffic—and qualified leads—to your site.
Video on your website:
Showcases your expertise or your company’s product lines and service offerings
Builds trust with visitors (they see and hear you—almost in person)
Brings more hits when people search a specific set of keywords via video search engines
Creates more of a connection between you and your prospect.
Take a look at some of the videos our clients commissioned for their sites and then sign up, call or email us today to find out how to get rolling on yours.